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Your position is within the Quality & Resources Department. You work in close collaboration with the teams at Brussels Office and the Regional Offices and you will play a pivotal role in developing and strengthening a quality care system. PLATS (Planning- Learning- Accountability System of Trias) is crucial and operational and in need of further adaptation, improvement and alignment with new realities and challenges. Your role is to institutionalize and inspire quality care within the organization in close collaboration with the head of the department and other internal stakeholders.

Main responsibilities

1) Design and develop the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework

  • the systemic improvement of the M&E system in collaboration with the internal stakeholders aligned with the new strategic priorities in 2022-2031
  • the further design and use of approaches of impact measurement
  • the design and support of programme- and project evaluation system in Trias
  • further integrate the learning & steering component in the M&E system
  • development of an efficient programme data management system for M&E

2) Quality care

  • the systemic integration of quality care and management approaches (for example EFQM and balanced score card)
  • the deployment of assessments & surveys to support internal quality
  • the development of strategies and support in the operationalisation of Trias wide approaches
  • the support in the management of strategic processes and operationalisation of strategic plan 2022-2031
  • the management of change processes in close collaboration with the HR team
  • the systemic improvement of the approaches on capacity building & institutional development

3) Data and information management & analysis

  • Contribute to the optimisation of learning & change processes in Trias based upon data gathering and data analysis
  • Contribute to the design & deployment of a communication & information system (SharePoint).



  • Master’s degree in a relevant field and at least 2 years of relevant experience
  • Proficient computer skills and use of relevant MS Office-software and other applications. Familiarity with ICT is an asset
  • Experience in Programme Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) systems
  • Experience with Data Management systems and data analysis.
  • Experience with quality care (tools and approaches)
  • Familiar with capacity building, institutional development and process management
  • Fluent in Dutch and English. Knowledge of Spanish and French is a plus.
  • You demonstrate organizational sensitivity;
  • Ability to work in a team and handle multiple work assignments;
  • Ability to learn quickly, demonstrate critical thinking and make situation-appropriate decisions using sound judgment;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;



  • endorse our core values of commitment, respect, entrepreneurial spirit and act as we (=cooperation/collegiality)
  • have strong research and analytical skills
  • are a conceptual thinker
  • have good interpersonal / communication skills
  • are pro-active, pragmatic and result-oriented
  • have proven team and coordination skills


Our offer:

  • A dynamic, international working environment within an ambitious organisation.
  • A compensation package fitting the function and experience, with attractive fringe benefits
  • A gross monthly salary between 2994.73 € and 5089.08 € (function category 4) and good secondary benefits.
  • Contract for an indefinite period. Modalities are to be discussed.
  • You work at the headquarters in Brussels, which is well served by public transport


Reageren voor: 06 jul. 2021

Are you interested in this vacancy? Please send your motivation and CV to Do not forget to include two recent references and their contact details.

A written test and/or personality test is part of the procedure.

For more information on this vacancy please contact the head of department QRD eric.vanderwegen@trias.ngoThe deadline for applications is 06 July 2021.


Onbepaalde duur




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